After several mysterious accidents, A Live Action Role Playing game is interrupted and the players leave the bunker while the staff remains behind to investigate the disappearance of Greg, the masterm...
A classic whodunit mystery, as the characters go about their lives in 1920s Italy, when Benito Mussolini's brand of fascism was on the rise. Set in the 1920s on the Italian Riviera, the series star...
Chris Meloni饰演Nick Sax,他曾经是大城警察的一位明星警探,但他失去一切后,现在成了一个破产﹑堕落﹑为黑帮工作的雇佣杀手,他赚的钱不多,仅够他能买醉及毒品。但在一次刺杀出错后,他的生活被一只幻想、正能量的蓝色独角小飞马Happy彻底改变。Joseph Reitman饰演首季的反派,这会是个疯狂而又有妄想症的角色。...