影片故事延续前作,路奇乌斯(保罗·麦斯卡 Paul Mescal 饰)童年时亲眼目击受万人景仰的英雄马克西蒙斯死于舅舅之手,多年后已长大成人的他,在暴君的铁腕统治下,被迫进入竞技场为生存而战。心中充满怒火的路奇乌斯,眼见罗马帝国的未来岌岌可危,决心讨回本属于他的权力和荣誉 ,还罗马人民一个辉煌的罗马。...
Klara is going to die today unless she kills her husband instead. The Calendar Killer has given her that impossible choice. When Jules starts his night shift at a safety helpline for lonely women on...
Klara is going to die today unless she kills her husband instead. The Calendar Killer has given her that impossible choice. When Jules starts his night shift at a safety helpline for lonely women on t...
阿娜伊丝•宁(Maria de Medeiros玛丽亚•德•梅黛洛 饰),银行家雨果(Richard E. Grant 饰)的妻子,一个外表雍容却沉迷于D. H. 劳伦斯文字的野性女子。在丈夫的介绍下,阿娜伊丝结识了外表颓废粗糙的小说家亨利•米勒(Fred Ward弗雷德•沃德 饰),她迷上了眼前这个睿智的男子,继而又为亨利的妻子琼(Uma Thurman 乌玛•瑟曼 饰)所吸引。 在琼的嘱托下...