The proprietor of an ice-skating revue promotes a peanut-vendor at the show to a management position based on suggestions he made to improve the act of the show's star, who also happens to be the owne...
温布尔登是英国有名的网球公开赛,这里的选手呈现着网球的最高水平和精彩战况,是网球选手施展拳脚的绝佳舞台。梦想着在温布尔登实现网球事业巅峰的,还有片中的男主角彼特(保罗·贝坦尼 Paul Bettany饰)。无奈温布尔登的辉煌不是轻而易举就能收归囊下,他像无数怀揣着梦想来到这里的选手那样,终究要黯淡离去,现在他正准备作收山一战,怎料事情来了个峰回路转。...
An impassive young girl is taken from her suicidal London life, back to her home in North England on a bizarre bus trip. Seen through the poetic eye of the camera, this is a commentary of doomed Briti...